Financial Foundations is a series of books to teach kids about money, goal setting, and living a balanced life.

The Greatest Game on earth
In which the kids begin their journey by learning the basics of HOW MONEY WORKS… The money game is exciting, fluid, and a whole lot of fun! Knowing how to ask questions and make conscious financial decisions puts kids on the path to success.

do you know where you're going?
In which the Guides explain the importance of GOAL SETTING… Having positive goals keeps you on track and moving forward. Knowing where you are going helps you make healthy choices.

do you have a plan?
In which the kids learn about budgeting and how to use THE MONEY JAR SYSTEM… Knowing how to set up and use a simple & effective budgeting system takes the guess work out of money decisions. Creating financial balance looks after the future and the present while controlling impulsive spending.

Do you know how your tools work?
In which the Guides explain the ins and outs of HOW CREDIT WORKS… Like a super sharp knife, the tool itself is neither good nor bad. What matters is who is using it and why. Understanding the FACTS about credit keeps you using it safely and effectively rather than being hurt. Please sign up for our Newsletter

are you on the right path?
In which the kids see the impact of our daily habits by learning THE SLIGHT EDGE PRINCIPLE… Results take time to show, but our daily choices determine our final destination. Being aware of how our small, seemingly insignificant decisions affect our future helps us choose the path to success rather than wandering down the road to failure and disappointment.

are you in game shape?
In which the kids learn how to persue their life goals through LONG TERM FOCUS & BALANCE… Our world is filled with instant gratification, but real success and happiness takes time. Learning discipline, patience and balance sets you up for a life of prosperity and well being.